Friday, May 28, 2004

Blast it!

Last night, I was tidying up the bugs in WEB::Willy when I shut down my computer to go home. You see, my wife and I were at a bookstore studying while a thunderstorm (with some hail) pounded the world outside. (exciting) Later that night, I started the machine again to finish up- well, I am not sure how I did it, but I must have forgotten to exit vi when I shut down before- so I Restored a prior session after having done a great deal of work ... *sigh*. But I'm not at
all bothered now- I've learnt alot and have it in mind to make it even better :)

just remenber....

    package WEB::Willy
    our @EXPORTER = qw( Linker Body External_links Index Title Footer);
    use Exporter;
    our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

At least I hope that's right...


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