Cafe III
Jazz is playing in the restaurant next door. There is a two drink minimum to enjoy the show directly, but the playing is loud enough to really enjoy it here in the cafe.
Tonight there are three behind the counter. at least two are different from last night. There's a pattern here: two men and one woman mind the shop. Currently there are six patrons plus one who walked in, greeting a pair of men sitting near the brick wall next to the counter.
The establishment itself is on the South East corner of Fifth and Brown Streets; running East West and North South respectively. Its face apears to face the main drag (Fifth Street) although the entrance faces the streetcorner.
There are two small couches in the room: one set against the brick wall and one almost directly opposite taking up the width of a broad wall outcropping which supports the wireless internet tranciever and a security cameral facing the door. That camera looks surprisingly flimsy and may be a prop with a blinking light.
A couple who were sitting in the middle of the room just left. Neither was dressed for the weather. She wore a light green sweater nearly the same shade as the the walls while he wore a tan light jacket. Now situated on a barstool facing Fifth St. is a woman reading and perhaps writing. She sips at a hot drink with whipped cream on top. Her hair's a little messy; perhaps due to the cold and breazy weather. The outside tempurature is about 24 degrees farenheit.
The three characters sitting by the brick wall are all wearing dark clothes. One just asked another if he were homeless. This was partly in jest but the tone
was half serious. The discussion turns to somewhat personal matters of friends and situations. The oldest man seems to be in his late thirties or early fourties and is the one explaining himself to the others.
Time's running out for tonight, but the place seems alive anyway. With the live music next door (there is a conecting hallway between the two establishments) and more lights turned on within the store the place doesn't seem as sleepy as it did the two nights past.