Friday, July 30, 2004

coding again...

Perl or any language really, just beats me over the head.. I've been working on an auto-indexing routine for internal link on my personal webpage, and have ended up with something rather ugly- it works, but it's ugly. The big problem is the fact that i have so much trouble seeing the big picture when it comes to this sort of work/play. For instance,

my $i = 0;
foreach my $sort (sort(keys(%sort_vals))){
my $s_file = $path . $sort_vals{$sort} . '/sort';
open OUT, "< $s_file";
print OUT $i; #new position in index
$index->[$i] = $sort_vals{$sort}; # page directory
close OUT;

just confuses the heck out of me- even when it's in context- and i wrote it! It's not just the uglyness of the code either, even when i'm extra careful to keep things readable and consistant i have this trouble. The problem isn't that the code is or is not confusing and badly commented, but that I am nearly incapable of keeping code as a whole in perspective- so I end up losing a sense of the problem i'm working on in the first place.

enough complaining. I still can't stop myself from hacking - i may be entirely incompetent, but I just can't stop.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

cat ~/*cat

This is a surprise.  Since my last post, the editor for blogspot has changed.  Pleasent surprised.
Well, I've been busy coding and watching etc.  saw Farenheit 9/11 with my wife some time ago and decided that while it's not the cleanest method, it is powerful in its indictment of the bush administration.

Five is the name of our cat.  My wife named her :)   She was found all skin and bones- a sad sad case.  We've taken her to the vet several times and still have to do so to get the poor girl spayed.  She's currently in heat for the second time in three weeks. Poor poor girl...

That'll do for now.