Friday, June 18, 2004

Grain of Fear

It's been a long time since my last post. A lot has happened in the entervening period.

My wife is finished with her current CCNA course.
Got to go to King's Island :)
I'm 31 years old!!! :P

What else?

I wish I had the time and patience to tell you the saga of my grandfathers dog and some skunks *laugh*.

I want to point to an article by Richard Florida. I saw this in

It is this kind of painful devolution which scares me when I see the current president of the united states.

Sunday, June 06, 2004


Ulner nerve. Is that my problem? Typing with me arms out straight like I am at this moment feels strange.

I went to google and looked up carpel tunnel syndrome and read that repetitive stress injuries come in all sorts.

You see, I have noticed my ring finger on my right hand botherme on occasion in the past. I've noticed that I've had problems withsitting cross legged on the ground -> my left foot likes to go to sleep.

On Friday the 4th of June (yesterday at the time I'm writing this) I was typing data into a database at work.

I never finished it because my right hand steadily became unusable. A few minutes ago, I went over to one of the computers here in the library (studying with my wife) and looked this up (just noticed that I'm repeating myself from above).

My problem closely matches the symptomes of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome- this refers to a nerve that passes through a 'tunnel' in bone and often gets conpressed and stretched (read 'really badly stressed') at the elbow. Looked this up- it's interesting and worries me quite a bit.

Damn, my right ring finger is just giving me fits. I don't know if this is the real problem, but it may well be. If so, then I am doing just what I need to do.

    Keep my elbows from becoming overly flexed.
    keep my wrists in a nuetral postion (difficult at this point)

My wife just had an epiphany regarding Cisco. In studying all of these network routing things (firewall rules i think) she realized that for clear understanding of what's going on, she must see it all in binary. Decimal numbers cover the truth.

She said she wants to by that shirt that says

There are 10 kinds of people in the world.
Those who understand this shirt and those who don't.

It's really neat to watch another person suddenly have a little "aha" moment :) always feels good to see that!

btw- my ring figer still bothers me, but I feel better over all- I'm not sure if this is a psychosomatic response or a real theropuetic response to my controlling my elbow positioning.

Well, this is a posting much later than the above parts- will post about the film my wife and I say tonight.